Reference sources are things such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies, statistics, etc. Using reference sources are a wonderful way to begin your research, as they provide:
A periodical is any source of information published on a regular, recurring basis. Periodicals have two main categories, popular and scholarly.
Research projects begin with a topic. You will intentionally start with a broad topic (when possible pick something you are interested in!), and narrow down or focus your topic as you think through what it is about that topic you want to hone in on. If you start your research with a broad topic, you will end up with more sources than you could manage!
So how do you avoid a giant results list like this? Try thinking about your topic as a questions. With the example of climate change, one could ask:
"How does climate change affect polar bears?"
Databases don't work the same way as Google, you can't type a phrase into the search bar and get good results. Scholarly databases like you to search using individual keywords. These will be the most essential parts of your research question. With our example of:
"How does climate change affect polar bears?"
The following would be our keywords:
climate change
polar bears
When we plug our keywords into a database, most often it will search for those exact words. It doesn't always know the synonyms or related terms for our topic. For example, think of all the words to describe soda/pop/soda pop/coke/soft drink! Using a thesaurus is a great place to gather synonyms and related terms. For our topic options could include:
wildlife conservation
global warming
Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) are used to help databases create relationships between your keywords.
AND connects key concepts
Example: climate change AND polar bears
AND tells the database you want to find information containing both of these terms to be relevant.
OR connects synonyms and related words within a concept
Example: climate change OR global warming
OR tells the database to find information sources containing either of these keywords, as long as one of them is there.
NOT excludes information sources including a word you specify
Example: polar NOT grizzly
NOT would find information sources about polar, not, grizzly bears in this results list.