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Nixa High School
PHY 123 Introduction to Physics I
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Nixa High School: PHY 123 Introduction to Physics I
Starting Research
AGR 108 Topics in Agriculture
ART 101 3D Design
AGS 101 Animal Science
ART 115 Drawing I
BIO 101/111 Biology in Your World and Lab
BMS 110/111 Introduction to Biomedical Sciences + Lab
CHM 116/117 Fundamentals of Chemistry Lecture and Lab
CHM 160/161 General Chemistry I Lecture and Lab
CHM 170/171 General Chemistry II Lecture and Lab
COM 115 Fundamentals of Public Speaking
ELE 302 Introduction to Elementary Education and Clinical/Field Experience
ENG 110 Writing I
ENG 200 Great Books and Instant Classics
ENG 210 Writing II: Writing Across the Disciplines
GRY 142 Introduction to Physical Geography
HST 121 History of the US to 1877
HST 122 History of the US since 1877
JRN 270 Introduction to Journalism
MTH 136 Precalculus I
THE 101 Introduction to Theatre and Drama Arts
Faculty Resources
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